4265 San Felipe # 1000
Houston, TX 77027


Changes to the Trucking Industry We’ll See Under the Trump Administration


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Car accidents can be terrifying events, particularly when the other car is an 18-wheeler. Under the Obama Administration, there were strict standards imposed on truck drivers that limited the weight and length of trucks. Ostensibly, these limits, we would think, would lessen the number of accidents on the highways.   However, it could be that the opposite was the case. By restricting the weight and length of trucks, the end result was that more trucks were on the road, resulting in an increase rather than a decrease in the number of accidents.

Word on the street is that the Trump Administration will relax the stringent requirements set out by the Obama Administration, with the hope that the less rigorous requirements will result in a reduction in accidents. Time will tell regarding who had the right idea, Obama or Trump. As for now, buckle up, keep an eye out and drive safe!

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