4265 San Felipe # 1000
Houston, TX 77027


How many truck accidents happen in Texas?


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There’s a saying that Texas is “a world all of its own.” There’s no doubt that as the United States’ second largest state by area, encompassing over a quarter-million square miles, getting around the state of Texas can be quite a challenge. This means thousands upon thousands of miles of roadways crisscross the state to allow people and products to get where they need to go. It also means that there are huge numbers of vehicles travelling Texas roads every day, including big commercial vehicles that transport all the things Texans need to keep their daily lives humming along.

We’ve discussed previously the fact that accidents involving these large vehicles can be absolutely devastating to those involved. Because of their size, weight and the speeds at which they often travel, when commercial vehicles crash, they can cause terrible damage to other vehicles on the road and the people inside them. But just how often do accidents like this happen?

The Texas Department of Transportation collects statistics on traffic accidents throughout the state. The most recent year for which complete numbers are available is 2015, which saw over 34,000 accidents involving commercial motor vehicles. Of these crashes, over 1,000 of them caused very serious, or ‘incapacitating’ injuries to human beings. They were also the cause of 601 deaths.

So, in 2015, over 1,500 people’s lives were altered, many of them permanently. This doesn’t take into account the effects these accidents had on the families of victims that died or likely needed long-term medical intervention. The total cost of these crashes in terms of lost wages, medical expenses and pain and suffering is likely incalculable. It is also likely that many of these accidents could have been avoided if truck drivers or their employers had not been negligent in some fashion. Those injured in truck accidents, or the families who lost loved ones in them, may be entitled to compensation for their losses.


Post Type: Q&A

Anchor Text: Truck Accidents

Keywords: serious injury;

Primary Target URL: /Personal-Injury-Accidents/Truck-Accidents/

Additional Resources: https://www.census.gov/geo/reference/state-area.html

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