When you get into a car accident, you rely on your airbags to protect you. Sometimes, though, it can be the airbags that actually cause the injury. Recently, there has been a massive recall of Takata-manufactured airbags. These airbags are found in an array of different types of cars, including Honda, Mazda and Lexus. The reason behind the recall is that these airbags become unstable when there are temperature changes due to the use of ammonium nitrate in the airbags. These defective airbags have been responsible for the deaths and serious injuries of numerous people, and lawsuits are now being filed all across the country.
That the airbag manufacturers would think using ammonium nitrate was a good idea is truly incredulous. Ammonium nitrate can be used as an explosive and detonates upon temperature shifts. In fact, ammonium nitrate was partly responsible for the 1947 Texas City Disaster, an industrial accident that occurred in the Port of Texas City and is demarcated as the deadliest industrial accident in U.S. history.
If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in an accident involving a recalled vehicle and you believe that those injuries were caused by a defective Takata airbag, you may have legal rights. Please contact Reich & Binstock today at 713-622-7271. Our attorneys have more than 30 years of experience, and we are here to help you.