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Houston, TX 77027


Who pays the price when medication causes you injury?


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If you or someone you love is one of thousands of people in Texas who suffer from mental health problems, you likely understand how challenging it can be to obtain proper care and support. Some people hesitate to seek assistance because they’re embarrassed by their conditions, while others are currently active in treatment programs but are facing problems associated with medication and/or quality of care.

Perhaps a doctor recommended that you or your family member try using Risperidone. Some claim this antipsychotic drug helps alleviate symptoms related to schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. There are also many children in the U.S. who take Risperidone to treat autism. The drug is sold under various brand names, including Risperdal. The problem is that getting off of such drugs is often as dangerous as taking them in light of potential adverse side effects. If you suffer from a drug-related injury, it’s imperative that you know where to seek support.

Risks associated with Risperidone

To make informed decisions and remain proactive toward your own mental health care, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about Risperidone and its possible side effects, as well as basic information regarding other psychiatric drugs and various problems people have had when using them. As with Risperidone, the following list shows problems attributed to the drug:

  • Six different countries, including the United States, have apparently issued regulatory warnings regarding Risperidone.
  • Such warnings cite heart problems, muscle disorders, gastrointestinal trouble and sexual dysfunction as potential adverse conditions related to using Risperidone.
  • As many as 16 different studies showed that Risperidone may increase patient risk for death.
  • Many doctors prescribe Risperdal to pregnant women. This may not be such a good idea according to data that suggests the drug may lead to birth defects.

When you take a prescription drug, such as Risperidone, you undoubtedly rely on your physician and pharmacist to inform you of potential risks associated with the drug. You hopefully also do your own research, read package inserts and learn as much as you can to avoid complications. If a doctor fails to tell you, for instance, that taking Risperidone is not advised if you happen to also be taking another drug, you may suffer injury because of the doctor’s negligence.

What to do if that happens

Whether acting on your own behalf or your child’s, if you believe Risperidone or another psychiatric drug was defective, or that your doctor’s negligence caused a drug-related injury, you can immediately access support resources to address the situation. As in all medical emergencies, the priority is to obtain needed medical care. Beyond that, you may wish to speak to someone well-versed in Texas personal injury law to discuss options for seeking legal accountability against those responsible for your injury or your child’s.

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